EXHENB Engineering Limited

About Us

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in coulpa qui official modeserunt mollit anim id est 20 years experience.
Who We Are

Exhenb Engineering

EXHENB Engineering Limited is a Power Design and Construction firm registered in Kenya with expertise engineering project design, control, construction and management. Our Executive team comprises of Engineers, Project Managers and energy industry professionals with a cumulative wealth of experience. This experience covers Electrical Installations, Renewable Energy Installations, Design, Power Generation and Transmission, Sub- station installation and maintenance, Infrastructure Development and Project Management. EXHENB has the necessary resources and experience to meet the current and future challenges with confidence. We take great pride in the dedication of our staff back by prudent Design and Management Systems.

Our Vision

We aspire to be an internationally recognized professional engineering and technical services company dedicated to providing value addition and efficiency in the power and energy sector. We provide full service capabilities to our clients and strive to add additional expertise and specialists while responding to the needs of our clients. In adherence to our corporate values, we will remain a privately owned company offering individual growth and opportunities
within an entrepreneurial culture. We strive to ensure that we cap-
italize on expansion of opportunities while maintaining a good financial stability through improved cash reserves and return on investments. Through quality service and sound financial management, we aspire to be recognized by our clients, shareholders and employees as a market leader in our industry.

Our Mission

EXHENB’s business objective is to provide professional design, construction and consultancy services in the power and energy sector in response to our clients’ needs in an innovative, efficient and timely manner. We strive to remain in the forefront of technology while being responsive, flexible, and diversified to be competitive in
the market place to ensure viability and long term growth in value
of our company. We shall serve people & communities with excellence in engineering and project management.

Quality Statement

EXHENB will apply strict quality to all our interactions with and on behalf of our clients. The services will be constantly improved through a process of continued process improvement, regular customer feedback and periodic reviews by certified quality standards bodies.
We take pride in our company and our accomplishments.

Lets talk

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